My 2019 Art Basel Experience By Sauce

How can I start, Basel this year was a great experience for me. I went down more so to network then to buy. The first mistake I made was leaving on a Friday instead of heading in on Tuesday where I could have met a lot more of my Instagram collector family. But even with that I still got to meet a lot of great gallery owners’ and see amazing pieces. First I want to thank John for the invite to see his amazing collection. His house was unreal with all treasures of artist I love and hopefully one day will collect. To me the best thing about his house besides the (Kaws,Whalen,Derrick Adams) was the view. I really appreciate him talking to and inspiring me alone this journey. From there we hit up a couple shows, Art Miami hands down was the best fair I got to see. As usual our good friend Todd Kramer killed it with his selection of items for sale. The two 20” tondos were killer and the Nina Chanel Sculpture fit perfect in the corner. Another memorable booth were our good friends at Allouche Gallery. We definitely want to thank Eric and Priscilla for always treating us like family. That Kenny Scharf they were showing was incredible. I bet my last dollar Jay Awesum would twerk a little to bring that home. 😂 While I’m typing how could I forget Gary Vertu Fine Arts, when I say he killed his booth, it was amazing. From the Kaws (News) set to the PAFA piece everything was placed in perfect order. I appreciate Vertu for taking the time speak to us knowing we weren’t looking to buy. Sometimes being friendly and sharing information goes a very long way. My night was capped with spending times with members of the Dio Horia Gallery just enjoying the weather, friends, food and laughter. We as a collective are appreciative of them for taking time out of their schedule just to kick it with us on a personal level. Also to the talented Aleksandar Todorovic many thanks for sharing with us your process. I never realized all it takes for one body of work to be produced. So over all I really enjoyed myself and I had fun hanging with all my art friends.....

P.S. I bet he thought I forgot my brother (@monsieurblac) who hosted The League at his Scarkisser Fragrance- invite only - super exclusive Basel dinner. It was at least a 13 course full meal with unlimited drinks provided by Hennessy. We all left full,drunk and with parting gifts. As you know your success is my success brother keep winning.

