Posts tagged Javier Calleja

NANZUKA released new editions earlier this

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DDT & a League favorite, artist Javier Calleja is

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Javier Calleja - Do Not Touch

A League favorite, artist Javier Calleja will be releasing his new sculpture edition “Do Not Touch” produced by APPorfolio and Nanzuka Gallery. According to Nanzuka Gallery the only way to score is by signing up to their lottery system. So basically you will need to rub your lucky rabbits foot, eat 3 bowls of Lucky Charms cereal and walk backwards 3 times to get picked. Good luck folks because this will be a tough one to score, so don’t get your hopes up. Below is the list of rules Nanzuka posted on their instagram.

1. Application period: From 18:00 on January 8, 2020 to 23:59 on January 15, 2020.

2. Please send your address, name and phone number to the following e-mail address with the subject "Javier Calleja Do Not Touch Purchase Required" and the subject. 👉 返 信 After receiving the e-mail, you will receive a reply e-mail with automatic acceptance.

3. We do not accept direct messages.

4. Application is valid only once per person. Applications with the same e-mail address and same address will be counted as one person.

5. The lottery results will be announced strictly by lottery, and on Friday, January 17, we will send an e-mail to the "winners only" with details on how to purchase.

6. Unfortunately, no e-mail will be sent to those who have been lost.

Details -

Javier Calleja
Do Not Touch, 2019
Resin, steel, string, acrylic paint
36 x 19 x 22cm 
with artist hand drawn canvas 
Signed and Numbered on the back side of the canvas - Price : 217,800 JPY - $2,006.58 USD
Produced by APPortfolio and NANZUKA

- JM

Instagram - @Jayawesum @Leagueoto

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Back To The Future 2020

So as this year ends and a new one begins, I’ve been seeing a lot of posts from some our friends sharing their purchases from last year.

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Javier Calleja x Avant Arte

Our friends at Avant Arte keep dropping bombs for this yrs Complexcon. Another dope release at their booth will be with League favorite Javier Calleja. Looks like they are only taking a certain amount of preorders at their booth and the general release will be in 2020. So if you want to add a Calleja in your collection. You better tie them shoes laces up and run your ass off to Avant’s booth. Goooooood Luck!!!

The price of this beat is $3.9K

- JM

Instagram - @Jayawesum @Leagueoto

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New Javier Calleja Prints

Javier Calleja and Galerie Zink present a limited edition

3 new limited-edition screenprints that Zink Galerie is releasing on June 13th in an edition of 70 examples of each image.

Each of these images has 70 copies with a size of 94 × 66.5 cm realized in silk screen printed in Fabriano paper. In the three drawings of this limited edition, we find Calleja's iconic characters as well as their representative and eloquent phrases. In the composition of the different drawings that make up this edition, we recognize many ofthem in attitudes and situations that are partly reminiscent of some of the works that have formed part of their previous exhibitions.

To purchase contact - & Good luck! Cause I’m still waiting for a reply!

- JM

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